Ansible Workshop - Ansible Security Automation

This is documentation for Ansible Automation Platform 2

Get started with Ansible Security Automation by implementing automation for three security use cases: 1) orchestrating firewalls, 2) IDS and SIEM: investigating suspicious traffic on a web server, and 3) threat hunting: analyzing unusual denied accesses on a firewall and remediation of a SQL injection. After a brief introduction, this workshop will guide you through basic concepts and show you how to use Ansible security automation in combination with existing third-party security solutions.

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Time planning

The time required to do the workshops strongly depends on multiple factors: the number of participants, how familiar those are with Linux in general and how much discussions are done in between.

Given students with basic experience with Ansible:

If your experience is different in scheduling those workshops, please let us know and fill an issue.

Lab Diagram

ansible security lab diagram

Section 1 - Introduction to Ansible Security Automation Basics

Section 2 - Ansible Security Automation Use Cases

Red Hat Ansible Automation