Workshop Exercise - Check the Prerequisites

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Table of Contents



This workshop’s initial phase focuses on the command-line utilities of the Ansible Automation Platform, such as:

If you need more information on new Ansible Automation Platform components bookmark this landing page

Your Lab Environment

You’ll work in a pre-configured environment with the following hosts:

Role Inventory name
Ansible Control Host ansible-1
Managed Host 1 node1
Managed Host 2 node2
Managed Host 3 node3

Step 1 - Access the Environment

We recommend using Visual Studio Code for this workshop for its integrated file browser, syntax-highlighting editor, and in-browser terminal. Direct SSH access is also available. Check out this YouTube tutorial on accessing your workbench environment.

NOTE: There is a short YouTube video provided if you need additional clarity: Ansible Workshops - Accessing your workbench environment

  1. Connect to Visual Studio Code via the Workshop launch page.

launch page

  1. Enter the provided password to login.

login vs code

Step 2 - Using the Terminal

  1. Open a terminal in Visual Studio Code:

picture of new terminal

  1. Navigate to the rhel-workshop directory on the Ansible control node terminal.
[student@ansible-1 ~]$ cd ~/rhel-workshop/
[student@ansible-1 rhel-workshop]$ pwd

Step 3 - Examining Execution Environments

  1. Run ansible-navigator images to view configured Execution Environments.
  2. Use the corresponding number to investigate an EE, e.g. pressing 2 to open ee-supported-rhel8
$ ansible-navigator images

ansible-navigator images

Note: The output you see might differ from the above output

ee main menu

Selecting 2 for Ansible version and collections will show us all Ansible Collections installed on that particular EE, and the version of ansible-core:

ee info

Step 4 - Examining the ansible-navigator configuration

  1. View the contents of ~/.ansible-navigator.yml using Visual Studio Code or the cat command.
$ cat ~/.ansible-navigator.yml
      - /home/student/lab_inventory/hosts

    enabled: true
    container-engine: podman
      policy: missing
    - src: "/etc/ansible/"
      dest: "/etc/ansible/"
  1. Note the following parameters within the ansible-navigator.yml file:

For a full listing of every configurable knob checkout the documentation

Step 5 - Challenge Labs

Each chapter comes with a Challenge Lab. These tasks test your understanding and application of the learned concepts. Solutions are provided under a warning sign for reference.


Next Exercise

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